November 25, 2013

5 free tips on how to lose belly fat fast - the main problem area in the process of weight loss.
5 free tips on how to lose belly fat fast - the main problem area in the process of weight loss.
One of the major problem areas in the process of losing weight is on the belly, which is why there are many tips, tricks and recommendations for faster burning of fat in that particular area. Today I tried to pick for you 5 free tips on the problem of burning extra fat laid around the waist and abdomen - the main problem area in the process of weight loss. Tip # 1: The motivation or your consciousness are impotant when you trying to lose belly fat. It is hard for a person to realize that the weight depends on his lifestyle and the way of life depends on his mind. So start your process of losing belly fat with the understanding that it hangs entirely on you and your lifestyle .Take for example an Ethiopian runner, champion in long distance running. Can you imagine it with a huge belly and excess fat. It is absolutely impossible. Why? Because of his lifestyle that is incompatible with obesity. Flexible, dynamic, with large and regular physical activity, a fruit-vegetable diet nutrition. Lifestyle changes will help you tolose stomach fat, too. And remember that the belly fat has been proven to cause an increased heart disease risk in both women and men Tip # 2: The excess weight comes mainly from over-eating. The second trick is understanding that excess weight comes mainly from over-eating - the food weвЂ˜re swallowing by mouth. I know overweighted people. Some of them think that they are limited, and even deprived of food. But when IвЂ˜m watching them how and what they eat, I realise that the overeating is a primary cause of obesity and that is a behavioral problem. So, you need an overall reduction in the quantity of food you are consuming, decreased eating speed, and an improvement in food choices. Tip # 3: You are what you eat. The food is different and you are what you eat, so don’t eat junk. You should limit eating junk food like cookies, chips, sweets, cereals, cakes and other similar products that you keep in your house. Junk food and anything that contains flour and sugar is considered to be the greatest cause of belly fat today. The sugars in fruits are digested differently than the empty calories of white sugar that are in most candy and processed foods. You don't need to stop eating the things you like. You should try eating smaller portions and get more fiber in your diet (without any limitation) such as that found in fresh fruits and vegetables like apples, oats, and cherries, but you still have to control calories. There are some foods that burn belly fat which will help you. The fiber in fruit slows the absorption of the sugars so you don't get as high a sugar rush. Tip # 4: You need physical exercises to strengthen abdominal lumbar area. The fourth point is that any rapid weight loss, particularly abdominal fat laid melt leads to sagging belly. The reason is muscle weakness due to physical restraint and sedentary. So any diets for quick melting or burning belly fat, must be accompanied by physical exercises to strengthen abdominal lumbar area. Tip # 5: Look for ways of reducing stress factor in belly fat . Stress is an unavoidable part of life and when we faced with stress, our bodies release a hormonal cocktail of insulin, adrenaline and cortisol. The level of cortisol is vital in maintaining blood pressure and metabolism in our bodies. Hight cortisol levels are often associated with increased appetite for carbohydrates and fat production. This way the stress is a large contributor to weight gain. If you do not have the tools to control stress, it can lead to unwanted side effects in your body and mind like increased belly fat. By learning to control your stress levels, you lower the amount of cortisol in your body, helping to keep your belly fat under control. The modern dynamic living conditions cause stress, which plays a critical role in people's lives. The majority of overweight people, using food as a form of prevention against stress. The more tense and confrontational lives they lead, the higher the stress they are subjected. This is a prerequisite for overindulgence in food and thus the obesity becomes a natural consequence of this lifestyle. So how to start a fight with abdominal obesity? Take a few minutes out of your day to practice jogging is an effective way to manage your stress levels and keep belly fat at bay. Aim to take 10,000 steps a day. The next step is to add a regime of abstinence: Limit your consumption of any artificial foods that contain sugar and flour. Replace them with a diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables in season. Completely stop the consumption of any alcoholic beverages and soft drinks. Drink only water. If you are interested in and do a little research on the internet, you will soon learn about the many ways to activate the water - melting, filtration, magnetization, ionization, etc. When you get serious about burning fat on your belly, it will cause weightloss in other problem areas of your body. But remember that the fight for weight loss begins with consciousness. Then answering the question "how to lose belly fat" is quite simple - you need to change your sedentary lifestyle with more exercise and dietary restraint. And above you met the most important tips, tricks and recommendations for faster burning of fat in the belly area - for free. ------------------------------------ Photosource: google.images

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